Sunday, April 3, 2011

Busto 1

Year 7-11 (Winter) - Pleasure or Popularity?

Busto Family:
Howie Busto - Male Elder - Fortune - Have 6 Pets Reach the Top Career Level - Leo
Hedwid Busto - Female Teen - Popularity - Become General - Gemini
Rufus Busto - Male Child - Scorpio

Last Round: We watched the Busto's move into their new home, and mostly started showing off their "un-nice" ways with each other.  How greeted about anything with legs, and started working as a poller.  The whole family went on a outing downtown and they went to family day at the local lake.  

 Hedwig and Rufus actually have a good relationship.  They pick on each other sometimes, but they play with each other more.

 They also both love to paint.  They are getting pretty good at it too, and are able to help earn a little more money for the house.

 Rufus tries to make friends with most of the kids, I think he'll be a closet popularity sim if that's not what he rolls.

 He'll play with basically any kid, and starts being decent friends with Haley Brandt.  Her house is next so we'll have to see if there is any chemistry there.

 In year 8 it's already time for Rufus's birthday.  There isn't much of a party, just the friends each kid brought home from school.  Rufus really likes the girl he brought home, but I don't remember her name.

 Rufus works to blow out the candles and he must have spit on the cake because everyone looks fairly distraught in the background.

 Rufus grows up to be a pleasure seeking teen who really wants to have 50 Dream Dates.  I'm not too excited about it, but get the right girl and it's doable.

 Rufus's friend also grew up, and he's got a bolt with her...maybe two, I can't remember now.  At the moment nothing is going to happen there.  There are too many more kids in the neighborhood that need to grow up and check for matches.

 Howie, who is still so lonely, goes downtown to try and find a girl he has some good attraction with.  The younger the better as Hedwig and Rufus are going to be heading off to college and Howie doesn't want to leave the house without someone to care of it.  The first one he finds is ok, but not enough.

 The second however....she is great.  They have a long conversation, share a few jokes, and she even likes his "unique" looks.  This is the girl for you Howie!

 The siblings are getting a little too close, and really need to branch out into some more friends.  It was just a little creepy seeing Hedwig just start giving her brother a massage, especially while all stinky.

 ACR kicks in and Howie builds up the relationship with Tina Miller to the next level.  She's pretty into him, and he is really into her.

 Rufus starts having a pillow fight with a friend he brought home from school.  I quickly check, and Rufus is straight, he just like pillow fighting with guys apparently.

 Tina moves in and brings in some much needed money.  One of the first things they get are a couple of puppies.  They might be able to at least come close to Howie's LTW.

 The little black puppy...Jake, I think....wasn't fond of the stereo and barked at it all the time.  He finally went to his dog house, and didn't come inside all that much.

 Tina is currently working as a slacker, but dreams of being a business tycoon.  She has decided on a new look and it looks great on her.  She's ready to start conquering the business soon as a job opens up.

 Jake...Jack??  The puppy grows up into a pretty handsome dog.  I hope to bread them, but so far he hasn't even noticed the other puppy....who I cannot remember the name of to save my life.  That might start to change soon.

 Jake...that's what I'm going to call him for now anyway.....enjoys watching Rufus and his friends play kick bag.  Rufus has to be a popularity sim in disguise because he's much more interested in making guy friends, then dating girls right now.

The Busto's have a happy memory to carry them into the next season, as Howie proposes to Tina. She quickly and happily accepts and they will be married in the Spring.  The kids want to be friends with her and she fits in well here.


  1. Haha the Bustos...always a fun family to play. Howie never fails to find a prety woman to like him.

  2. Oh I have to follow your blog now! You have my Busto's! Those genes sure are fun. :)

  3. you're the one that made the Busto's! lol....they are a ton of fun so far.

  4. Maybe there'll even be new babies in this house at some point!
