Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Potts 1

Year 1-6 (Fall) - Glitching Nanny

Potts Family:
Alexandria Potts - Female Adult - Fortune - Become Hall of Famer - Libra
Ryan Potts - Male Child - Virgo

Lilly Potts - Female Toddler - Leo
Logan Potts - Male Toddler - Leo
Luke Potts - Male Toddler - Pisces
Lydia Potts - Female Toddler - Capricorn

 The Potts are an incredibly difficult family for me, mostly because of a nanny glitch, and partially my own stupidity.  Everything started off fine, the family moves in and are happy.  The toddlers Huggle each other all the time, and it's the cutest thing.

 The family managed to get 2 bunny heads and the toddler play with them all the time.  Mom tries to keep herself sane, while building up relationships with each of her kids.

 When the welcome wagon came I was sad that Alexandria didn't think more of Brennan...he was so good with the kids.

 Then the problems began.  Children started fighting over bottles.

 The nanny kept bringing bottles to sleeping children and littering their...grass....with bottles and passed out toddlers.

 Then came this nanny, different then any of them I've ever seen before.  She...was....good!  She cleaned she got the toddlers up and out of their cribs before they woke the others, she was heaven!

 The kids played quietly while mom was at work and their brother was at school, and then I spied the nanny with the oven.  Realizing this nanny had been a disaster so far I got worried.

 Luckily it was just a turkey and everything went ok...for awhile.

 Birthday's were held and Lydia...
 then Lilly...
 then Luke....
 and finally Logan grew up.  Then it went bad.  While working on getting this picture the very first time I accidentally quit the game....and told it not to save. (My own stupidity).  So we replayed through this entire thing and grew them all up again...

 Things are going along ok, during take 2.  Alexandria teaches Ryan how to study, and his grades are on the way up.  Needs are mostly being met, and there are no more toddlers.  The next day the nanny shows up, the kids go to school, the nanny leaves.  The nanny never returns, and the kids are taken by the social worker.  Now I worried that perhaps I had called the nanny incorrectly....as in just for now.  So I go back and just make sure....playing through the entire thing again.  (My own stupidity didn't save it after the birthday's like I should).  I make sure nanny is called right and it still happens.....I restart again....stupid me hadn't saved.  I try having the kids call the nanny as soon as they get home, still taken....once again I restart.  Yes, my stupidity is really beginning to show.  Finally I get the phone close enough that the kids can call the nanny and SAVE.

 Ryan comes home with an A+ from all that studying, probably since he had about 5 tries to get it right.  :)  Mom changes jobs, and we wait with baited breath on the nanny situation.  Nanny shows up on time, nanny leaves on time, glitch is resolved.  YAY!

 Friday night the kids spend studying and doing their homework together....except for one.  Logan isn't there...that kid is bottomed out fun and nothing seems to give him any.  Another glitch...maybe?  I finally find a TV station that gives him fun....although I don't remember it now, and he gets his homework done.

 Saturday is usually go to the lake day, but Alexandria has to work, so the kids stay home with the working nanny and great passer by Ian Brooks.  The kids have a water balloon fight in the yard, and everyone is full of fun, even Logan!
The fall ends with kids who have completed their homework, and have had fun.  A working nanny, a mom who's needs are mostly met and a house that now has 4 windows!


  1. Wow what a great job on the Potts family! congratulations!

  2. That was the hardest most annoying house yet. I mean, I love the kids, they are SO CUTE, but all the problems made it INSANE!

  3. I'm glad you resolved your nanny glitch! Logan not having any fun was probably not a glitch, maybe he's just very grouchy?

  4. The only reason I say that is NOTHING gained him any fun that day, but the next day he was gaining fun with everyone else....like that day he refused to get enjoyment out of life, but the next day he was "feeling better". It was kind of funny.

  5. Aww some of my 'Douglas' kids :)
    As I recall there were some nanny issues in my blog too. I distinctly remember a constant string of bottles and a nanny who p*sesed herself...

    1. Holy cow, it's been so long I nearly forgot about this family and the issues I had. A big part of it was my own stupidity for not saving more frequently, but wow this was a tough start. Thanks for reading!
